Greetings from Bill McRae, President of Clan MacRae Society of Canada.
Our society is a “non profit” organization. The main objectives are to promote Clan MacRae’s history, traditions, literature, music, genealogy.
Additionally, our Annual General Meetings (except during Covid isolation periods) are usually held in different parts of Canada, to encourage our members to meet and connect with each other at Clan Gatherings.
Frequent two-way communication with Clan MacRae Societies in the United States, Australia and Scotland allow us to foster mutually beneficial relationships and provide education about our common Scottish Highland traditions and heritage.
Become a member of the Clan MacRae Society of Canada today!
The Clan MacRae Society of Canada was created in January 2001, after several MacRaes from different parts of Canada visited Eilean Donan Castle in 2000 for the World Gathering of the MacRaes. The new society was born under the leadership of our founding President Dr. Robert MacRae (British Columbia), Secretary Helen MacRae (Nova Scotia), Treasurer Kenneth MacRae (Alberta) and three Directors, Mary Pellerin (Nova Scotia), Christina Graham (Ontario) and Darrell MacRae (Alberta).
The society’s founding members divided our vast country into four regions: Pacific, Western, Central, and Eastern Canada. Our Board of Directors includes a Vice President responsible for each region.
Marigold MacRae, Grand Lady of Eilean Donan Castle, is our Honourary President. On several occasions, we have been honoured to have Marigold and her daughter, Baroness Miranda van Lynden travel to Canada to take part in AGM Gatherings.
Moreover, during my 14 years as an active member of our society, my wife Lynn and I have had the opportunity to travel to numerous places in Canada, the United States, and Scotland that we may not have otherwise visited. Through attending Clan Gatherings and Highlands Games, we’ve had the pleasure of meeting a diverse group of MacRaes from around the world, including Canada, the USA, Australia, and Scotland.
Furthermore, I encourage you to continue to explore our web site and also to follow us on:
Twitter and Instagram: clanmacraecanada
One of the many perks of being a member of Clan MacRae Society of Canada is our quarterly Kintail newsletter. You can download and fill out our membership application form here from our website to begin to fully appreciating the benefits of society membership.
le dùrachd (Best Regards)
Bill McRae, President, Clan MacRae Society of Canada