Membership Dues/Fees (payable in Canadian dollars)
Individual or Family Membership  (One household + Minor Children): 30.00 for 1 year, or $75.00 for 3 years
Life-Time Membership 70 plus: $150.00

Mail the completed application form and membership fees together to (cheque or money order or by e-transfer to
Bill McRae, Membership Secretary
131 Transom Dr., Halifax, NS B3M 4T6

Information/Queries: Bill McRae, President

Please enjoy this PDF copy of our Kintail. It is a sample of what members will receive access to.  Please enjoy this PDF copy of our Kintail.
It is a sample of what members will receive access to.
Click on the link to view it Kintail Issue #50 – 2021 Winter .

A membership in Clan MacRae Canada will introduce you to new friends who, like you, share a common interest in Clan MacRae and Scottish heritage and history. You’ll connect with others who are interested in attending highland games, conducting genealogical research, sharing stories, taking part in fundraising activities, attending the Society’s Annual General Meetings and Gatherings, and discussing all things Scottish.

A whole new network of people with a passion for discovering and promoting Scottish pride and history will open up to you through membership in the Clan MacRae Society of Canada.

Some of the Benefits of Membership in the Society

  1. Each Member is part of an international family that traces its family lines through various migrations around the world and back to the Clan family in Scotland…as far back as the 10th and 11th centuries.
  2. Members may attend the Annual General Meeting with voting rights for all motions and elections of the Board of Directors. Participate in shaping the future of the Clan MacRae Society in Canada by offering their own leadership in a variety of ways that enrich the life of the whole Clan in Canada.
  3. The Society newsletter, KINTAIL, is distributed free to all active members.
  4. Use of the Society’s Clan Tents as home base during Highland Games and events. And, opportunities to participate as MacRae representatives in Clan Parades, Parade of Tartans and other clan activities held during various local gatherings and Highland Games.
  5. The Clan Society can sometimes offer help in finding family Members or identifying special interest groups in the Clan.
  6. Canadian Members join in Clan Gatherings in Scotland as participating Members of the international community of Clan Societies. Upon arriving at Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland, and bearing a Canadian Member’s card, have free admittance at any time to the castle – courtesy of the Conchra Trust. Clan MacRae Canada members are eligible to attend the Annual Spring Luncheon in Eilean Donan Castle, Dornie, Scotland. Announcements of the date are found on The Clan MacRae Society of Scotland website.
  7. The opportunity to learn more of the history and the traditions of one’s Scottish roots and to help extend this heritage and cultural enrichment to other interested Canadians.

Accepted Surnames and Variants 

You qualify for membership in the Society if you, your spouse, or an ancestor have a surname that is on the list below. Accepted names include all combinations of Ra/Rae/Rath, with or without the prefix “M’”, “Mc”, or “Mac”. For example; “Rae”, “M’Rae”, “McRae”, and “MacRae” are all acceptable variants. Creagh, Crae, Cree, Macara, Macarra, Maccra, Maccrath, MacCrae, Maccraith, McCrady, MacCraw, MacCray, Macrae, MacCrea, Maccreath, Maccree, Maccrie, MacKereth, Macrath, Maccroy, Macgrath, Macgraw, Machray, Macra, Macraith, Macrach, Macray, Macrie, McRae, McCrae, McCrea, Rae, Raith, Ray, Rea, Reath, MacDrae, MacRé, McCredy, McRé, Machray.