The efforts of many individuals and organizations contribute significantly to our ongoing research, and we are indebted to many people for the information they have made available to Clan MacRae Canada OnLine. We are especially appreciative of the efforts of the following individuals who have assisted us in greatly extending our family knowledge and clan Macrae through their significant research and correspondence over the years since our first OnLine Site:
- Battcock, Heather & Ian
- Dodd, Gail
- Gibson, Anna
- Groening, Carol (McRae)
- Hall, Mary of Dunedin
- Harrington, Bonnie
- Hartwell, Tylor
- MacDonald, Allan D.
- MacKenzie, Diane C.
- MacRae, Owen C.
- MacRae, Daniel A.
- Macrae, Peter
- MacRae, Ronald Douglas
- MacRae, Walter T.
- McRae, Douglas K.
- McRae, Geoffrey
- McRae, Jennifer Catherine
- McRae, Lance R.
- McRae, Lyle M.
- McRae, Peter Alexander
- Nelson, Laurie (McRae)
- Parsons, Debbie
- Poyner, Donald
- Pratt, John Riley
- Riding, Randall & Christine (Macrae)
- Steel, Sally
Although we can’t possibly include the names of all of our contributors, we do express our deepest appreciation and a very warm thank you to all who have contributed!